what special needs actually means?

This article will teach you:

    What are special educational needs (sen), who are students with sen, how to identify a child with sen who lacks a diagnosis or certification, and what services are available to students with sen.

I invite you to read a lengthy article in which I attempt to explain in detail and step-by-step what special educational needs are and how students with special educational needs should be treated, based on my knowledge and the literature that is currently available. I am aware from personal experience that there are still many people who are unsure about this issue. I hope that the article will allow you to systematize your knowledge in this field. With that said,

  What do you mean by special educational needs?

            Prof. Marta Bogdanowicz claims that students with special educational needs are those who are less able to learn than their peers, making it difficult for them to meet the demands of the current educational program. Such students, in Bogdanowicz's opinion, are capable of pursuing further education, but they require specialized teaching staff, pedagogical support in the form of a unique curriculum and upbringing, as well as unique teaching strategies that are tailored to their requirements, abilities, and limitations.

 Students with special needs in education are who?

        The categories of students with special educational needs are identified in the regulation of the minister of national education of august 9, 2017, on the principles of organization and provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance in public kindergartens, schools, and institutions. some of the features of special needs are:





             Visual impairment, and

             With motor impairments, such as aphasia,

              Intellectually limited but not severely

              Intellectually impaired to some degree,

              Having Asperger's syndrome and autism,

              Having several disabilities,

              Socially unbalanced (such as truancy, eluding parental authority,                    drinking alcohol, intoxication, destroying property, violence, fights,                theft, and attempts at suicide),

              At risk of social maladjustment,

              With specific learning difficulties (students with dyslexia,                            dysgraphia, dysorthography, and dyscalculia),

              Behavioral and emotional disorders, including attention deficit

              Hyperactivity disorder, and educational failures (including                               students  with lower than average intelligence),

              With deficiencies in competence and language disorders,

               Persistent illness,

               In an emergency or traumatic circumstance,

               Environmental neglect,

               Difficulties with adaptation

    A kid who needs special education:

• has a certificate stating that they require special education; • has the opinion of a psychological and educational clinic;

• it lacks both judgment and opinion.

Keep in mind that a child with special educational needs won't always have a certificate or opinion from a center for psychological and educational counseling. This does not imply, however, that such students do not need assistance and the necessary modifications. The functioning of the family environment, difficulties related to health issues, and difficulties in meeting educational requirements can all be seen in children with sen.


How can a child with sen be identified without an assessment or certification?

Specialists and educators are those who recognize each student's unique needs in terms of their development and education as well as their psychophysical make-up. They also recognize the reasons behind academic failures or functional challenges that prevent students from fully participating in school life, as well as the strengths, predispositions, interests, and talents of each student.

            By engaging in ongoing work with the student, teachers and specialists have the chance to conduct pedagogical observation at school and get to know the student. The rules (regulation of the minister of national education on the principles of organizing and providing psychological and pedagogical assistance) point out that the needs of the students, not their diagnosis, are being recognized. In order to support a student's development potential and create the conditions for his active and full participation in school, it is important to recognize psychophysical abilities and environmental factors that influence how they function at school. 

            The social environment and daily life. A child who has been identified as having special educational needs receives pedagogical and psychological support. Teachers are made aware of their responsibility to support children as they work on ongoing projects. They must therefore modify their working procedures to fit the student's psychophysical capabilities. The student may also receive other types of pedagogical and psychological support that are listed in the regulation. It's important to keep in mind that psychological and educational support must be given in conjunction with the student's parents or, if the student is an adult, with the student.

lets keep learning and getting updated........no discrimination and total sensitization....


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